We currently do not ship to South America, Central America or Africa.
(If we have trouble shipping to your country we reserve the right to cancel your order and send you a refund)
Important Note for International Buyers! If you are importing our products into another country (Other than USA) you will be responsible for any Customs Fees, Duties or Taxes that your country charges for import. Our shipping prices are for transport only and do not account for any customs charges that your country imposes on you.Â
- We are able to offer lower prices because we carry less overhead when making our products in small batches.
- You can expect your purchase to ship within 5 business days of the time you place your order.
-  Please let us know how your shipping experience goes. We care about how this turns out for you and we would like your help to make the process better for future customers. Please email your experiences to Thank you.